5 Tips
You were happy and in love, but now there is a problem. The problem is that the man of your dreams is now your ex. Whether he was the man of your dreams or just someone you cared deeply about, you’re here because you’re looking for information on how to get your ex-boyfriend back fast. The below tips and advice should help you get him back.
1. Improve Yourself
Do something to improve yourself because you want to be a better version of yourself than you were when you were with your ex-boyfriend. Do something different, something you normally wouldn’t do, such as get a new hairdo, change up your fashion and things of that nature. Start dolling yourself up a bit more because when he sees you, he will likely start desiring you again.
Let’s face it, a lot of guys notices a woman’s looks first before anything else. By improving or doing something different with your looks, your ex will notice.
2. Forgive And Forget
In general, forgive him. If you’re reading this article, the chances are he broke up with you. Regardless if you broke up with him or vice-versa, you need to forgive him. There are things you probably held against him and now is definitely the time to forgive and forget. Maybe he cheated on you or you cheated on him or things went stale. Whatever the case is, you need to forgive him and if he starts bringing up the past, try to avoid talking about it and focus on moving forward.
Remember, if you two are always talking about the past and acting more like enemies than friends, then the relationship will never work. You might not even have the chance to have another relationship with your ex if the past keeps getting brought up.
3. Do Not Date A Rebound Guy
You are trying to learn how to get your ex back, not how to hurt him. One of the surefire ways you will hurt him and ruin your chances of getting him back is to date a rebound guy. Even if your ex broke up with you, do not go out looking for another guy to date. He will not like this at all. Furthermore, don’t post photos of yourself partying it up or hanging with random guys because your ex will see them on social media and will probably not give you another chance.
It’s important for your ex-boyfriend to know you are available, especially emotionally available. You need time to heal after you have gotten out of a relationship. Drop a hint here and there to tell him you are missing him, and then see how he reacts.
4. Make Contact
If you want to get your ex-boyfriend back, you have to make some sort of contact with them. Whether it’s purposely going to his favorite cafe or sending a short message on Facebook or a brief text message, you have to initiate contact. Contact your ex and ask if they want to meet for coffee or dinner, but do not have sex with him.
You want your ex to see you have changed and you want to leave him with something to desire. This is why you don’t want to have sex with him, but do tell him you want to see him again. This will give you an idea if you have a chance of getting him back.
5. Ask Him To Be Yours
After you have gone on a few more dates with your ex-boyfriend, you can ask him if he’d like to be in a relationship with you. However, don’t be surprised if he asks you to be his after the second or third date. If he hasn’t asked, then it’s up to you. If you still haven’t had sex with him up to this point, then keep it going, even if he says he wants to be your boyfriend again. You want to make sure he doesn’t want to just have a one-off romantic encounter with you and leave.
That is how you can get your ex-boyfriend back. Give the above tips and advice a try and you could end up getting your ex back fast.